This is a beautiful topic, and quite succinctly expressed in this article. I found this publication through your podcast with Ivy Whitbread. What made it a little more personal is that I had an extensive e-mail discourse with Ivy Whitbread attempting to share with her this particular fundamental aspect of human consciousness that I referred to as 'the Golden Paradox'. Oddly I came to it through the paradox within Kurt Godel's Incompleteness theorems. It became a very transformative paradigm that I have adopted. Thank you for giving agency to this inherent phenomenon. Personally, I truly see this paradox as a fundamental necessity for waking up to the illusive nature of our existence.

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Thank you for these reflections Gregg! Ivy is doing a great service and with so much heart. Something about your reflections here also reminds me of a conversation I had on Love and Philosophy about polarity (https://youtu.be/DuX-qtEZis0?si=jGBAAJ5JSjYbizyW)... just about every conversation I have there has something to do with paradox these days in some way. I really agree with you about it being part of how we might wake up to another sense of existence & I'm trying to find the patterns that connect between disciplines in that same regard. Thank you for letting me know it is also a theme that resonates with you!

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It reminds me of a quote I read in a pamphlet at the National Theatre "I don't care how people move, I care about what moves them". It was a quote attributed to a German choreographer. Unfortunately, I do not remember his/her name. Nice read Andrea! More power to you.

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This is a wonderful quote Jonathan. In the motoring work I often use a similar phrase about what moves us and the ways we move...this offers yet another prismatic pov :)

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'This enfoldment of what seems to be two and yet dances as many' ... a gorgeous way to describe entrainment - as appearing as separate but beats as one.. of many .. and all.... our separateness not ever existing .. a lovely read thank you

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Thank you Cari! Loving your posts too and will recommend you on the L&P Substack as soon as I find my way here and figure out how to do such things haha ;)

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